CIENS Early Careers – building a stronger network

The CIENS Early Careers Network was established in late 2022 with the goal of providing a forum for early career (EC) staff at CIENS institutes to come together, network, and discuss shared challenges and opportunities.

The aim is for the group to be fit for purpose: co-designed by its members and specifically addressing their needs. By bringing together ECs from across the CIENS network, the ambition is that the group will also act to foster additional collaboration.

Based on a workshop and survey undertaken to frame the scope of the group, the CIENS Early Career Network will offer events to facilitate career and skill development, as well as opportunities for networking and socialising.

Interested in joining? We invite anyone working at a CIENS institute who self-identifies as being early in their career to join. Sign up for the mailing list here to learn more about upcoming workshops or events:  CIENS Early Career Group: Sign-up (

The CIENS Early Career Network is self-organised. If you are a member of the group and are interested in helping out more, feel free to reach out to any of the team.

Rachel Hurley (NIVA), Sophie Mentzel (NIVA), Martina Idžanović (Meteorological Institute), Gabriele Piattoli (NILU)​, Chloé Nater (NINA), Maria Hultman (NIVA)​, Christina Nadeau (UiO)​, Yennie Bredin (NINA)